Thursday, November 10, 2011

Solo Explo: Gesundbrunnen

I took the U8 to Gesundbrunnen. When I got to the street level I was immediately confronted with a giant shopping center. I decided to go to Dunkin' Donuts and and sit at the window, right at the entrance to the mall where people were constantly coming in and out.

What a perfectly gloomy day to go shopping. It's obscenely gray and foggy outside; you can't see what's past fifteen feet in front of you. It's like a movie when you're watching it and saying to the character, "DON'T GO INTO THAT FOG!" and then that's when a monster attacks and eats their guts. When I look at the window, I see the reflection of a christmas tree shining behind me. It's must be that time again.

The outside tables have brightly colored donuts printed on them - perhaps to entice passerby's into buying them. Some of them have the remains of now absent people; empty marlboro packs, trays, trash, empty DD cups, their lids being used as ashtrays. A woman left her lighter on one of the tables - I watched her get up and leave without it. I imagine myself doing what I should've done: running out there with wild abandon, grabbing the lighter and giving it back to the woman… only to have her shoo me away, then when I try to use it, I realize it's out of fluid.

An employee from Ditsch across the way from DD just came in. She went behind the counter, glanced around and gave the DD girl a kiss. That must be nice that they get to work so close.

The woman sitting next to me just woke up from a nap that she took on the table. She seems like she lost something; checking her pockets and her bag, in that concerned way. She even peeked inside my open bag. Maybe she thought I took whatever she lost while she was sleeping. She has now taken out the contents of her bag which contains 4 empty plastic bottles. Instead of putting them back into her bag before she storms out, she hugs them in her arms. "Let's see someone try to take these from me", I imagine her thinking.

It's getting dark. The fog is lit in orange under the street lamps and above them the sky is bright blue. It must be winter.

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